She could see for so many miles around her, and the sky above looked like a bell of glass. 她说,最美的事儿就是停在海上:因为你可以从这儿向四周很远很远的地方望去,同时天空悬在上面像一个巨大的玻璃钟。
Rattled, they use more filler words, causing more bell ringing and glass tapping, causing still more filler words. 慌乱时,他们使用更多的赘词,造成成更多的铃声,和玻璃敲击声,恶性循环。
The "bell jar" is a bell-shaped glass vase for air and bacteria isolation in medical use, and in this novel it symbolizes the state of mind that people fell restrained and cannot find a way out. 钟形罩是指用于医疗上的隔离空气与细菌的玻璃器皿,在小说中它象征人们在重重压力之下找不到出路而感到窒息、与世隔绝的一种精神状态。